Suka-chan! Suka-chan! Wai wai waiiiii! ^_^

Yes, it's a little-known fact that Suka-chan was secretly reading shoujo manga with a flashlight under his covers at night! Oh, the shame! The horror! What if his brother had found out? We all know what would have happened then to poor Suka-chan... His brother would have made fun of him for the rest of his life! Even at his funeral, his brother would have announced, "Yes, and you know what else? Despite all that other stuff, he also read... shoujo manga! BWAHAHAHA!" (It's my belief that his brother will drive Suka-chan to an early, ulcer-related death.) Luckily, Shun understands him... at last, someone to commiserate with. Heh heh. Poor Suka-chan.

Anyway, all that aside: this here is the manga page, where I review manga that I own or have read. I'm also going to be reviewing American comics that I like at the bottom. Blasphemy, you cry? How can I like American comics after reading manga? Well, I guess I'm just not as cool as you are. I don't have a bias against things from my own country in a language and culture I fully comprehend yet, but I can totally see how that would really annoy someone else. Anyway.

ART :: Did I like it? Art is subjective, and everyone has a different opinion on what they like, so I'll try to include a cover and at least one inside scan so you can decide if YOU like it.
PLOT :: Did it have one? Was it any good? Hard to follow?
CHARACTERS :: Did I like them, or did I want them to die in a fiery inferno?
DIFFICULTY :: How hard is the title to read if your Japanese isn't all that awesome?
TRANSLATION :: If the title's been commercially translated, this replaces "Difficulty."

If you decide you'd like to buy some of this manga, please visit the Angry ISBN Archive for ordering information and a few links to possible places to buy it.

(Japanese Comics)

Blade of the Immortal (Mugen no Junin)
Hime-chan no Ribon (Hime-chan's Ribbon)
Hamelun no Violin-hiki (Violinist of Hameln)
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Koko wa Greenwood (Here is Greenwood)
Zenmai Jikake no Tina (Wind-Up Tina)

